Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

.1 AUGUST 20, 1937 MARION LEADER- TRIBUNE 3 I ELEVEN NAME COMMITTEE ON SEAL SALES Group to. Choose Director for Campaign; Directors Meet at Hotel for Luncheon. Director of the annual seal sale campaign will be by committee appointed at the meeting of directors Grant County Tuberculosis tion at Hotel Spencer, it nounced by Dr. Harold president. Moore is chairman committee, assisted 'by Dr.

Hulley, Paul Lewis and M. ander. committee will ad the September meeting board of directors. Necessity for an aditional priation to care for tuberculosis and tients the in the 1938 Irene budget Byron were studied Sanitorium the meeting. Plans were outlined for an exhibit of health literature, demonstrations, and first aid at the county fair.

The group voted to send a resolution of sympathy to the family of J. Louis Gable, who died Wednesday night. Mr. Gable formerly was an active worker in welfare departments, and Mrs. Gable is secretary of the present board.

RAILROAD COMPANY SHOWS LARGE GAIN IN SURPLUS Associa- Cleveland, Aug. 19. (P) -The was an- Marquette Railway Co. announced E. List, today a surplus after all fixed chargof the es of $190,227 in its income account Edwin statement for July, 1937, compared M.

Alex- with surplus of $90,122 in July, report 196. For the first seven months of of the the year the surplus was $1,282,013, compared with $1,254,380 for the same period last year. 12 11 Whea you aced a high tide of vital energy it's high time for CLOCK BREAD! KROGER CLOCK BREAD BETTER- because it's TIMED! 5 6 I C. Hays, 4 GET A LOAD OF THIS FREE COAL AUGUST 14 TO SEPTEMBER 4 WITH THE GENUINE, ESTATE HEATROLA way for it! A thumping load good coal (500 to 2,000 is ready to rattle into your bin: It's FREE, as a special reward for your foresight in providing now for winter comfort. Here's all you do: Select your Heatrola now, make just a small deposit, pay nothing more unti.

Heatrola is installed (you say when). Then start paying in convenient monthly installments. Remember, there's no other offer to compare with this, because no other heater can compare with the genuine Estate Heatrola the original cabinet heater. Beautiful, modern, all- porcelain cabinets upon the model you If bard soul is furnished. -eight models to choose from.

Jointless choose; one-half these ash box. Estalloy double-life fire pot. Ped-a-Lever Feed Door. And the wonderful Intensi-Fire Air Duct -Heatrola's famous, exclusive feature that turns waste DOUBLE LIFE. Now, into warmth, cuts fuel bills 25.

of heavy, Eatalloy ribbed (nickel fire pot, chromium made Actually, you can't pay for a Heatrola- alloy). More than double the it pays for itself with the fuel it saves. life of best cast-iron fire pots. TURNS WASTE INTO WARMTHI Ordinary heater (loft) allows warmth to escape up flue. Unique IntensiFire Air Duct (right) in Estate Heatrola blocks heat- -sends it into rooms.

JOHNSTON'S N'S WHITE BREAD 24 oz. loaf 9c RYE BREAD 16 oz. loaf 7c RAISIN BREAD, 16-oz. loaf 7c WHOLE WHEAT 16 oz. loaf 7c SOLD' ONLY BY KROGER 2,000 FARMERS HEAR WALLACE Secretary of Agriculture Talks at Peru Conservation Meeting; Adrocates Aid for Tenants.

Peru, Aug. 19. (A)-Henry A. Wallace, secretary of agriculture, proposed seven-point program to bring about greater solidarity of farmers in a speech before about 000 northern Indiana farmers here today. He advocated giving the farmers a "fair, share of the national income per capita;" starting an ever-norman granary program; continuing the soil conservation program; help-.

ing tenants; who now shift from year to year, to stay on the same farms; encouraging farm co-operatives; graduating benefit payments between farmers, and continuing appropriations for farm research. "The farmer," he said, "is the balance wheel of the nation. He understands problems of other industries because they are similar to his own. The farmer can keep the nation from going too far right or left and from radical, movements. The was one of a series on conservation being held in Indiana.

Leroy Hoffman of Purdue University, a state conservation official, intrudced Wallace. County Agent John E. Wylie presided. Court Minutes SUPERIOR COURT Hazel Carter VS. Floyd 1 Carter.

Divorce. Hearing on attachment had and continued and 80 long as defendant pays $5 per week on attorney fee order, beginning Aug. 21, 1937. 1 Mary Hardesty vs. Dean Hardesty.

Divorce. Appearance of Condo, Vanand Batton for defendant is for custody minor child, entered. Cross by detentiant, Mary Louise Ross VS. Charles Wayne Ross. Divorce.

Defendant is ordered released 80 long as he pays $5 per week on attorney fee order, beginning Sept. 1, 1937. Home Owners' Loan Corp. vs. Ralph 0.

Garwood, et al. Foreclosure. Alias summons is ordered for defendants to sheriff of Allen county, Indiana, returnable Sept. 3, 1937. Suits Filed SUPERIOR COURT Home Owners' Loan Corp.

vS. TRANSCONTINENTAL PLANE IS FORCED DOWN BY STORM Chicago, Aug. 19. (INS)-A sudden. kind and rain storm forced Pilot James Going to set down his Transcontinental United airliner on -an abandoned golf course half mile.

north of Chicago airport late today. None of the 14 passengers was aware of the emergency landing until they stepped from the ship. None was. injured and there was no age to the plane. The passengers, enroute from west coast points to New York, were transferred to waiting plane and continued their journey.

COLLEGE GIVES CAMP PROGRAM Education Is Theme of Session at Conference of Wesleyan Methodists Near Fairmount. 'Fairmount, Aug. was the theme of the night session of the annual Wesleyan Methodist conference being held at the campgrounds near here today. The program was presented by Marion College students and alumni. William F.

McConn, college president, presided, and Prof. Baker, head of Marion College School of Music, led in group and choral singing. Ronald Jones, physical director of the college, gave a short talk, and several vocal solos were sung. In the afternoon session, no business meeting was held, and the conference convened to hear two Rev. A.

B. Niles, Indianapolis, general secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, spoke on the work done last year by the alliance to "preserve Sunday from commercialism." He pointed out that the alliance had been in blocking legislative measures that would have tended to commercialize Sunday. second speaker, Rev. F. R.

Eddy, Syracuse, N. general agent of the church, outlined the financial status of the denomination and the progress in publication work by the church. The program Friday night will be in charge of Rev. D. R.

Dody, returned missionary from China. NEW WAR SCARE GRIPS EUROPE Portugal's Break With Czechs Becomes Red Flag; Failure to Supply Arms Order Blamed. London, Aug. 19. -Portugal's one-sided severance of diplomatic relations with Czechoslovakia became a red flag tonight for the suspicions of all Europe, Czechs, in Praha, their capital, asked if Germany is working behind the to make their strategic, hemmed-in country "future Rhineland" in a coming struggle between the two great political caps, cism and communism.

Authoritarian Portugal blamed "third party" presumably Soviet Russia--for influencing the Czechs to fail to fill an order for machine guns, official -reason for the breach. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy sympathized. Within 24 hours, however, other capitals of Europe had supplanted Portugal's expressed motive for the break with strong ideas on deeper causes- -militant interests in the Spanish war a and the often-expressed theory is preparing to attack Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakian authorities explained their armament industry had been unable to supply Portugal with new machine guns because it had been swamped with Czechoslovakian and other previously placed orders. Then Prana's suspicions turned tto Germany's and Portugal's friendship for insurgent Generalissimo Francisco Franco in Spain.

BALLOON REACHES 15-MILE HEIGHT Bagley, Aug. 19. (INS)Attaining an altitude of approximately 80,000 feet-15 mile unmanned balloon today successfully completed tthe first of A series of flights in-quest of data on the cosmic ray. From his wilderness forestry service cabin near Othasca Park, Dr. T.

J. Johnson of Swarthmore radioed that the stratosphere balloon's instruments had recorded a count 150 cosmic ray impulses per minute at the 15-mile height. The flight began at 7:25 a.m. and ended at 11:45 a. m.

Dr. Johnson said the balloon probably had come to earth approximately 400 to 500 miles south and west of here. It ried inatructions requesting that the finder preserve the instruments and equipment it bore into the skies. Dr. Johnson said he palnned to launch another similar flight in two or three days.

The flights are financed and sponsored the Barthol Research Foundation, Franklin Institute and Carnegie Institute. TRY FRIED RABBIT For Dinner Sunday DAKIN RABBITRY 4205 S. Carey PHONE 923-W Moved! Marion Riding Academy. Will Be Located at The Matter Barn W.est of Matter Park Excellent Horses For Hire Horses Boarded Reasonable Rates PERKINS AIDE TO QUIT, POST Ace Trouble Shooter of New Deal Organization to Resign From Labor Department Soon. Washington, Aug.

19. (INS) President Roosevelt is losing his ace trouble-shooter. Assistant Secretary of Labor Edward F. McGrady, king-pin of the New Deal's administrative setup on labor affairs, will resign "sometime before Labor Day," it was learned today. 1 McGrady already has made arrangements to take lucrative sition with a huge radio manufacturing and broadcastince company, persons close said.

report was verified by confidants of McGrady, who said a forannouncement of the tion will be made within a fo ways. McGrady's withdrawal from the department of labor has rumored spasmodically for more" than year. It has been common knowledge in official circles that he was not happy in his position, and has held on chiefly in the hope of stepping into the of secretary of labor, as successor to present Secretary Perkins. McGrady has been heavily boomed virtually all factions of organized labor to. take over the labor portfolio in the cabinet, but Miss Perkins' failure to resign has blocked this.

One of the few administration figures in whom organized labor places really high confidence, McGrady has been unsympathetic with many of the policies and much of the procedof Miss Perkins in handling the strike crises of the past year. He baa told friends that his counsel was not detect for the prevention of mistakes difficulties, but that, he was consistently called in after try to damage repair already wreckage. had been done to Dissatisfaction with this situation, his friends said tonght, has beon crystalling his decision to withdraw for several months. 1 AMERICAN GROUP BOLTS JEWISH AGENCY MEETING Zurich, Switzerland, Aug. 20.

(Friday) members of the Jewish nonAgency for Palestine suddenly bolted that body's political commission early today, climaxing bitter debate over the British plan to partition the Holy Land. The Americans, protesting against a hasty vote on the question, walked out of the meeting room under the leadership of Felix M. Warburg, New York banker and noted American-Jewish leader.A clay pipe with a slender stem from 16 to 20 inches long is known AS a "churchwarden." JURY COMMISSIONERS TO SELECT PANELS! Members of the jury commission of cuit both and Grant county courts, eirsuperior were ordered inset names for juries for the September, term of court, by Judges Dickey and Oliver D. Clawson yesterday. Judge Dickey ordered the sioners for superior court to meet at the clerk's office at 10 Sept.

6, to draw 12 names for the petit jury for superior court for the next term. The circuit court ANNUAL BEAN DINNER HELD 'AT Crawfordsville, Aug. 19. (P) -A tradition started in -1883 was carried out again at nearby Parkersburg in the annual bean dinner. About 3,000 persons attended.

Claire Wilkinson was named 'president. President Carl Griffey of Central Normal College spoke. Christmas selected yesterday of the were ordered to meet at the clerk's office at 9 Aug. 80, to draw names for both the petit and grand juries for the next term of circuit court. At the present time both courts are in vacation, and no now cases are being tried.

LOANS and on security-such as Your Signature your auto, own household We goods, livestock, etc. Single or married Can Reduce sons make ate all kinds invited to apply. In short, of loans- for all kinds of Your Auto any purposes. kind, If come you in have and A tell money as about problem it. of Payments entirely involves confidential.

no obligation, and will be 111 LOCAL West FINANCE CORPORATION Fourth St Just East of Luna -Lite Phone 140 Marion. Indiana Convenient Ground Floor Location car tire-safe on your week end or vacation trip. You need all of these features to make your' $169 $369 the Firestone Firestone gives SAVE them A to LIFE you at Campaign today by MORE THAN 2,000 OTHER AUTO lower cost. Join equipping your car with a set of new Firestone SUPPLY ITEMS FOR EVERY CAR NEED Standard Tires today's top tire value. to JOIN THE Firestone CAMPAIGN a To 4 Margaret Speaks, Monday, evenings over Nationwide N.

B. C. Red Network 3 Tisten to the Voice of. Firestone 'featuring Firestone Auto Supply Service Phone Store 3250 Wash. LOADING RUBBER ON SMALL BOATS IN UBERIA FOR TRANSPORTATION TO OCEAN FREIGHTERS an evenincreasing supply of the world's fock and distribution enable Firestone to sell a From the Firestone plantations in Liberia comes rubber.

Money saved here and in manufacturing quality tire at lower prices SIC AT. A PRICE LOWER AS LOW AS 4.50-20. 4.50-21...• FOR 9.05 PASSENGER STANDARD Firestone 4.50-21.. HEAVY CANO DUTY IN THE Firestone Standard Tire, you get Firestone 540 47519.... 9.55 4.75-19.

extra value in the form of extra safety. It costs SENTINEL more money to build safer tire. But Firestone 440-21. 4.75-19. can build a first quality tire made of top grade 4.5021....

6.35 5.00-19... 7.20 materials and sell it for less money, because OTHER SIZES PROPORTIONATELY LOW Firestone controls rubber and cotton with supplies greater at DON'T RISK YOUR LIFE Firestone their sources, manufactures COURIER efficiency and distributes at lower cost. ON SMOOTH WORN TIRES! $5.431 YOU GET EXTRA PROTECTION AGAINST BLOWOUTS 4.50-21 6.03 eight extra pounds of of cord rubber by the are added Firestone to DO YOU KNOW every Gum-Dipping process. By this process THAT Last year highway accidents con the FIRESTONE AUTO RADIO 100 pounds patented lives of more than 38,000 men, women and 6 Tubes every fiber of every cord in every ply is saturated children? Dynass $20.00 ic Speaker. with liquid rabber.

This counteracts dangerous THAT a million more were injured? internal friction and heat that ordinarily cause THAT more than 40,000 of these deaths and blowouts. injuries were cauned directly by punctures, CUSTOM BUILT DASH MOUNTINGS AVALANS EXTRA PROTECTION AGAINST PUNCTURES worn, blowouts unsafe and tires? skidding due to smooth, YOU GET because under the tread are two extra layers Below cut BATTERIES of Gum Dipped cords. Below is section Firestone cal from ASK ABOUT OUR YOU GET EXTRA PROTECTION AGAINST SKIDDING- the thick Tires in, this PRICE because the tread is scientifically designed. Come In YOU GET LONGER NON- MILEAGE because of SEAT COVERS the extra tough, long wearing tread. and 4p: 10 A Rates 4 1 1.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

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